Tree felling, pruning, and lopping in your property in Pine Rivers is fast and easy with our fully equipped arborist team. Let us help you!
Who needs tree lopping, pruning or felling services in Pine Rivers?
Does your tree(s) in Pine Rivers show the following problems?:
- Leaning in a dangerous position close to your house
- Damaging your house’s foundation and plumbing works
- Fire hazard due to dried leaves
- Damaged by a past storm
Then, you need help from a licensed arborist in Pine Rivers to perform tree lopping services in your property.
Because it should only be performed by a licensed tree lopping company. Learn about your tree-keeper obligations here.
Arborist vs Tree Feller
Removing large annoying trees is tough work. That is why only licensed and expert tree removal company can do the job. They are trained in removing and lopping diseased trees and they have the proper equipment for it.

Why Choose Arbor Care for Tree Felling, Lopping and Pruning Services in Pine Rivers?
Unexpected falling branches from weak trees can put you and your family at risk, thus, create a mess in your property. So here are the benefits you can get from ArborCare services:
Well-trained and Fully Equipped
There is a law covering the removal, cutting, lopping, and stumping trees, thus it must be performed by a well-trained licensed arborist. A well-trained arborist must also be fully equipped to do the task.
A well-trained and fully equipped licensed arborist can do any type of removal of the subject trees in your property in Pine Rivers swift and easy. They have the proper equipment in cutting down and removing branches of tall trees. With their expertise in the task, you can ensure that your property and family can be safe in no time.
Ensure that your tree services are performed only by a well-trained and fully equipped arborist. For more information about our services, visit our website today, otherwise, call us at 3093 3326.
Easy and Clean Pruning
Pruning or trimming tall trees is not easy if you don’t have the proper equipment, thus can put you in danger like falling from the tree.
An expert licensed tree removal company can help you in trimming branches that can cause accidents to you and your family. With the help of their proper equipment, you can keep yourself away from the dangers of falling from trees or falling branches on you.
With our proper tree servicing tools and equipment, trimming or pruning your trees is easy. We ensure that we leave your property clean and free of tree clutters, thus safe from wood shreds that can harm you. Send us your tree-related problem and see how we can help you.
Leave your tree-problems with
Our Professional Arborist

Call us today
Pine Rivers is a suburb in the southern part of Queensland filled with surreal sceneries of water and mangrove trees. This includes:
- Spotted mangrove (Rhizophora Stylosa)
- Spurred mangrove (Ceriops Tagal)
- Grey ironbark (Eucalyptus Paniculata)
Trees may be helpful in preventing floods and other natural occurrences but if they’re already risking danger rather than keeping lives safe, seek a licensed arborist that is expert in tree services in Pine Rivers would be your best choice.
A professional tree servicing company can aid you in keeping your family and property safe from unexpected disasters from tree problems. With the tree services of a licensed arborist, you can ensure that your property is handled by an expert and according to the law.
It’ll be easier to treat your leaning trees and dead trees while the season is still sunny and dry. Hire an experienced tree felling, lopping or pruning company to remove your unwanted trees before winter creeps in and freezes the branches and trunks, which can cause more serious problems for you and your family. Call us so we can help you.